In the seven months of my extraordinary journey into my innermost being, I encountered (+-) seven entities that introduced themselves to me as "the aspects". They are embodiments of my personal energy and therefore the ways in which they showed themselves to me are ultimately tailored to me. Despite this fact, they talked about general topics almost every reader can relate to. Just because my "little problems" and questions are dealt with here does not mean that I do not have exactly the same questions as everyone else.
Of course, not everyone who connects with their throat chakra will meet my Elves. And not everyone who researches their rage will meet a harpy. Everyone gets their spiritual partners represented in a way that "clicks" and feel comfortable. So I just felt comfortable with these representations - because I can't do anything with the Christian idea of angels.
What the aspects "look" like? Well, they naturally do not look like anything because they are spirit beings. Energy frequencies. What will they look like to you? Just find out!
Please note: The order presented here is important, because this is the order in which the teachers appeared to me. However, if you are a notorious cross-reader, I recommend the month of LOVE first, because it is truly beautiful. Healing, uplifting, comforting, and with incredible depth. So have fun!
Communication: The Elves
The Elves have been with me for much longer than I wanted to admit at first. In the 30 days we spent together at the very beginning of my challenge, we talked about stories, legends and where book characters live, but also about communication with spirit beings and the finer details of the morphic field.
Balance: Jormungandr, the World Serpent
I was scared to death when the World Serpent stood in front of me for the first time. I felt like I was in the wrong movie! But after Jormungandr's first few sentences I was also hooked. So I settled down for 30 days with the World Serpent, whom I also call "the great dragon spirit" on rare occasions and who also introduced himself to me as a being superior to the dragons. We talked about all manifestations of balance - from dementia and environmental destruction to death in general and processes within the polarities that we often (un)consciously block out. I won't disguise that this month was the most disturbing on my journey, but seemingly necessary.
Rage: The Harpy
The harpy is related to the Elves in my personal perception, because I first encountered it as their natural antagonist (in my novels). The harpy as the aspect of the root chakra (1st chakra) stands for roots and security, but in my novels also for the lower motives of the ego. However, she herself is NOT a lower being - I would not have spoken to such a spirit. She was relaxed and almost flirtatious in conversation at all times. I talked to her mainly about the huge amount of justified anger that is on this planet at the moment and how we can use all this energy for positive change in our lives and on a planetary scale.
Love: Lillysander, spirit of love
Lillysander is one of my "old" acquaintances. She had whispered parts of a novel to me before. The fragments of this fictional story I've placed into the "Extras" section. Because, unfortunately, that novel under her guidance was never finished. Of course, we talked about all forms and manifestations of love. Among humans, but also the universal love that has been raining down on this planet every second of every day since the beginning of time and that we can connect with - if we allow ourselves to. There's no month where I've I cried so much while writing everything down. Of course, these tears were immensely healing ones. Of all the aspects, I miss Lillysander the most. Even thoughI know she is always just a loving thought away. MUST READ.
Knowledge: Master Kei Yu
Do you remember the feeling of having missed something all your life, but you can't name that thing? This is what meeting the Master was like for me. I missed him most without realising it. He confirmed to me that we once lived together in Japan. He was and is a father figure to me. A confidant. A teacher. People whochannel are always thirsty for knowledge, and the Master can and wants to quench this thirst. We talked about the future, about money as well as about "God's Alexa" and the shrinking difference between science and magic. He said to me: "All the really interesting knowledge borders on the occult" and I will probably never be able to forget this sentence.
Wisdom: "White" and the Council of Colours
The woman I was allowed to call "White" for simplicity's sake is one of the greatest mysteries I encountered on my journey. Although her group, the "Council of Colours", includes six other entities, she spoke to me almost exclusively. Moreover, these 30 days are the only ones during which I could not take notes with my eyes open. Because of the high vibration of the crown chakra, I had to go deeper into trance, so I made audio recordings and later transferred them into text. That is why these texts are the longest. We talked about the tasks of the Council; what distinguishes knowledge from wisdom, and about inventions that will soon be necessary. This month is and remains somewhat indescribable.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.
Creativity: The Muse
This month is a MUST READ for anyone following a creative or artistic way of life! I met the Muse back in 2017 - and with a Big Bang - as befits a Muse I suppose. She wouldn't let me sleep or eat until I had written an ebook in 17 days, "Kiss of The Muse". Now here she was sharing her most important knowledge, charm and guidance on how to be creative. We talked about the greatest creative act of all (birth) as well as flow and writer's block and the sacred role artists play on this planet. She said, "If art is my sin, I shall NEVER, ever repent!" This is a principle every artist should take very much to heart.